Jan Cohen has been a Consultant, Interim executive, and Trainer who has worked with more than 200 nonprofit organizations over more than 30 years. She has served in 20 Interim Executive positions in nonprofit organizations in the SF Bay Area, especially those with an earned income, workforce development, or disability services focus, during periods of transition in leadership. Her training and consulting focus is customized worksessions and consulting services for nonprofit organizations for diversification of revenue, earned income, and marketing strategy.
Jan partners with Academies for Social Entrepreneurship as the Lead Social Enterprise Trainer & Coach having worked with over 120 participating agencies in customized Social Enterprise Academies. In addition to having worked with over 150 organizations in her own Interim Executive/Consulting/Training business, Jan was the Director of New Business Ventures at HOPE Services for 3 years, an affiliate consultant with CompassPoint Nonprofit Services in the Bay Area for 6 years, a senior consultant with the National Center for Social Entrepreneurs for 5 years, and Chief Executive Officer of Project HIRED, a nonprofit employment service serving individuals with disabilities, for 10 years.
Jan continues her commitment to serving on the Boards of, and volunteering for, local, regional, and national nonprofit organizations. She is a member of the Bay Area Interim Executive Director Group and the Alliance for Nonprofit Management’s Executive Transition and Leadership Committee. She also currently serves on the Boards of the LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Helpers Community.